Speculative & Anecdotal Personality Psych
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2014-04-02 00:04:03 UTC
I saw a recent article by Priscilla Long in Am Scholar about Schizophrenia
where she mentions some speculative and anecdotal results such as
schizophrenics being born in winter, being cat owners (toxoplasmosis) and so
on. I am curious if there is any book that has this kind of information for
all twelve DSM3 personality categories?

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]
2014-04-03 05:52:12 UTC
Animals are born with their minds fully formed and have instinct. Human
brains form by age five to be more adaptible and develop two of the twelve
personality types. When a crisis occurs, the personality type becomes a
psychosis. When this persists, the nerve pathways become engrained and harder
to change, hence a personality disorder. Disorders are divided into
serotonergic mood disorders (Histrionic, Obsessive..) and dopaminergic
thought disorders (schizophrenia). DSM3 was the last categorisation before
sexual correctness was enforced by lobbyist lawsuit. It is worth noting that
some disfunction is a motivator and that a totally sane homoclite is as
productive as cattle. Furthermore, neither opposites nor likes attract, but
complements, people whose combined lacks and strengths multiply each other.

MASOCHIST: Fear Success, Seek Pain, Altruist, Artless, Nonjudgemental,
Endurant, Resents being unappreciated. Typically monastic, peasant.
Encourage to demand and protest. Writes large, rounded, crosses t high.

DEPENDENT: Affective, Seeks company, Fears alone, Unintimate, Deferring,
Considerate. Typically housewife. Encourage to anger, opine, be self
sufficient. Writes high endstrokes, rounded.

OBSESSIVE: Perfectionist, Inflexible, Controlling, Indecisive, Hoarding,
Undemonstrative. Typically accountant, engineer, hunter, shepherd.
Streptococus/mycin induced. Dog lovers. Spring born. Mellows with alcohol.
Encourage to enjoy, ignore, prioritise. Writes with open circles, round dots,
no slant but angular shapes.

NARCISIST: Entitled, Expects Success, Exploitative, Envious, Intolerant,
Typically financier. Encourage see own faults, seek criticism, ask
others about selves. Writes wide loops, uphill, arcade.

HISTRIONIC: Flips mood, Seductive, Exaggerated, Shallow, Immediate
Satisfaction, Seek Reassurance. Summer born. Typically abused, actor,
teacher, islander. Sluts or homosexuals seek to replace nasty or abusive
parent or guardian. Encourage to reassure, plan. Writes with variable slant
and size and large lower loops.

BORDERLINE: Affective, Angry, Bored, Mood flipping, Unstable,
Suicidal. Typically Creative. Encourage to study others and deintensify.
Wrtes rounded m, n.

PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE: Seeks "rights", feels is ok, Critical, Resistant, Work
avoiding. Typically labor leader, bureaucrat. Autumn born. Encourage to make
work fun and do now so free time later. Writes uneven spacing, pressure, slant

SCHIZOID: Indifferent, Unemotional, Aloof, Friendless.
Encourage to observe emotions, express, endure.
Writes left slanted, no endrstroke, small, crosses t lightly.

SCHIZOTYPAL: Idiosyncratic, Illusions, Superstitious, Visionary, Eccentric
Odd. Typically mystic, homeless. Encourage to compromise, study
differences, do for others. Writes tangles, no dots, frequent breaks, upward

SCHIZOPARANOID: Suspicious, Sneaky, Fears Inferiority, Perceptive,
Vengeful, cheat, unlisted. Typically politician, academic, farmer. Bullock
said Hitler and Stalin were narcissistic-paranoid. Cat lovers,
toxoplasmosis. Winter born. Violent from alcohol, mellows with tobacco.
Encourage toleration and veiwing mistakes as unulterior. Writes small, narrow,
knots on circular letters, tapered right slant

SADISTIC: Disciplinarian, Gutsy, Expedient, Cruel, Intimidating. Typically
military, police, journalist. Encourage compromise and toleration, discourage
anger and bossiness. Writes blotchy, heavy downward t cross, left slant

SOCIOPATH: Reckless, remorseless, Vandal, Cruel, Impulsive,
Dishonest. Typically criminal. Lack of physically stronger adult leaves
adolescent aggression unchecked. Encourage worry, consider, protect, plan.
Writes left open and hooked, blotchy, tight t, no initial stroke

- = -
Vasos Panagiotopoulos, Columbia'81+, Reagan, Mozart, Pindus, BioStrategist
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
[Homeland Security means private firearms not lazy obstructive guards]
[Urb sprawl confounds terror] [Phooey on GUI: Windows for subprime Bimbos]