Jesus was an ENFJ
(too old to reply)
2014-06-16 14:51:05 UTC
'Jesus was an ENFJ'
Jesus (the real historical Jesus) was a strong ENFJ. ENFJs are the
most charismatic type. They are natural born leaders. Well, Jesus was
one of the greatest leaders of all times. Millions still follow him,
even after almost 2,000 years. the below story is just a smattering of
who the real Jesus was.
The true historical identity of Jesus has been shrouded in mystery for
almost 2,000 years. Now, however, due to the release of the 'Dead Sea
Scrolls' and a number of other early religious documents the real
identity of Jesus has finally been unraveled.
It is such a pity that the 'Dead Sea Scroll' cover-up by certian
religious organizations persisted for over 40 years. Finally, however,
after much social and political pressure the full contents of these
scrolls was released in 1990 for all to read.
Did you know that the New Testament of the Bible is actually true? Its
interpretation, however, is far different than the simple literal
explanation given by today's Christian faiths.
Just who was Jesus? Jesus was the 'King of the Jews', just as the sign
above his cross stated. In other words, Jesus was the legal birthright
heir to the jewish throne because both his mother (Mary) and his father
(Joseph) were direct descendants of King David.
Many Jews of that day, however, contested Jesus' legal right to the
throne because he was conceived 'out of wedlock'. You see, Joseph and
Mary were engaged to be married. However, Mary became pregnant before
the wedding actually transpired. By Jewish custom of those days Joseph
would either have to renounce Mary as a whore and stone her to death,
or admit he was the father. In the former case he would lose the woman
he loved. In the latter case both he and Mary would be disgraced
because sex before marriage was strictly forbidden. Therefore, in
order to save face Joseph, along with his Jewish supporters, invented
the virgin birth.
Of course, the jews all knew the story was merely a way for Joseph and
Mary to save face. Some accepted it for that reason. Others did not.
Those who refused to accept the story renounced Jesus' claim to the
throne. Those who accepted the story supported Jesus.
Do you remember how the Pharisees of the New Testament so vehemently
renounced Jesus over and over again? Now here is a man, Jesus, who is
reportedly performing miraculous feats right before the Pharisees' eyes
such as healing the sick and raising the dead. Yet the Pharisees
express no awe at these feats. Instead, they simply admonish Jesus for
blasphemy. Isn't that a bit ironic?
How many remember the first miracle performed by Jesus? It was when
Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding reception in Cana. Was this
a real miracle? No! There is a simple and logical explanation.
Non Jews of Jesus' day were permitted to join the Jewish community.
However, since they were not birthright Jews their right to ascend
through the priesthood was limited to the outer circles. Here they
bathed in the Holy Waters to clense themselves of sin. The high
priests of the inner circle, however, partook of wine as their symbol
of clensing.
Jesus saw as his prime mission the breaking of the rigid Jewish
prejudices so that all who wished to accept the Jewish God could do so
without reservations. The wedding at Cana was simply a symbol of the
marriage between the Jews and the non Jews. The turning of water into
wine was a symbol of the non Jews now being permitted to partake of the
wine by the side of their birthright Jewish brothers.
This is just the beginning of the true story of Jesus. Every, miracle
in the New Testament is totally explainable in simple non miraculous
1) Understand Jewish customs of the period
2) Know a little about what Jesus viewed as his own mission
3) Accept evidence from the 'Dead Sea Scrolls' and other sources
from literature of that time.
A very fragile and shaky argument....
Barb Knox
2014-06-20 09:10:10 UTC
'Jesus was an ENFJ'

No, Jesus was an INRJ (or maybe a YHWH).
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