2011-03-11 03:53:02 UTC
Russell, I'd like your permission to use the above in a class on set
theory. My current thought is to use it as a homework assignment, with
20 marks given for identifying and refuting each provably incorrect item.
Please do.theory. My current thought is to use it as a homework assignment, with
20 marks given for identifying and refuting each provably incorrect item.
Of course, you can't give credit for answers like
"it works in base 4". And, your students aren't
allowed to use induction. Induction assumes
there is a set of all natural numbers.
As my second argument proves, no such set exists.
3) Claim 1.000... =/= 0.999...
This has nothing to do with Cantor, but will
always start a flame war. Generate the maximum
number of responses by claiming this proves
general relativity is wrong.
Didn't you get the memo? -- GR is fine, but this disproves theThis has nothing to do with Cantor, but will
always start a flame war. Generate the maximum
number of responses by claiming this proves
general relativity is wrong.
Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Isn't it well known God has a gambling problem?
And hates cats?
Cross post to as many groups as possible.
No no no! Only post to relevant ones. I suggestalt.psychology.personality .
| BBB b \ Barbara at LivingHistory stop co stop uk
| B B aa rrr b |
| BBB a a r bbb | Quidquid latine dictum sit,
| B B a a r b b | altum videtur.
| BBB aa a r bbb |
| BBB b \ Barbara at LivingHistory stop co stop uk
| B B aa rrr b |
| BBB a a r bbb | Quidquid latine dictum sit,
| B B a a r b b | altum videtur.
| BBB aa a r bbb |
- The universe is one dimensional